Thursday, March 10, 2016

RC sample loop 5

alright , I've  just trumped my previous loops . this one definitely brings home the bacon for me HAHAHA
it's too hot . I loved it .
I have nothing much more to say about this piece so , enjoy :D

support my work and click HERE!! 


  1. Damn that's good!

    I love your RC stuff and I wish I could run the demo. ( I'm on your patreon but I got a mac right now so exe doesn't work for me.) Is the final version going to be in swf or any other version besides exe?

  2. tnx . glad you liked it . I will consult my programmer about that matter . but surely , we can have an swf version

  3. woa dude the quality of your animation is outstanding!

  4. Dude your work is just amazing keep it up please
